The Trollywood Series, organized by Alara Games, will emerged as a significant event in the gaming community, attracting both casual gamers and dedicated enthusiasts. This tournament series showcases a variety of format like Modern, Legacy and even Duel Commander, providing participants with an opportunity to engage in competitive play while fostering a sense of community among players.

All updates and photos from the Trollywood Series will be posted in blog post.


Winner of our first tournament in the new Trollywood Series.

Congratz to the Champion Gustav Holmberg!

Final standings


Name Points W/L/D OMW% GW% OGW%
1 Gustav Holmberg 20 6/0/2 52.9% 63.6% 51.7%
2 Oskar Månsson 17 5/1/2 57.7% 61.9% 51.3%
3 Jonas Dahlqvist 13 4/2/1 59.8% 58.8% 51.7%
4 Jonatan Larsson 13 4/2/1 53.1% 55.6% 50.3%
5 Henrik Månsson 10 3/2/1 55.1% 50.0% 49.6%
6 Niklas Hay Werner 10 3/2/1 52.4% 46.7% 51.4%
7 Christoffer Johansson 10 3/2/1 48.3% 60.0% 48.0%
8 David Berg 9 3/3/0 59.0% 50.0% 56.3%
9 Mick Björkman 9 3/2/0 49.0% 61.5% 46.1%
10 Jesse Laurila 9 3/2/0 45.5% 54.5% 47.7%
11 Batuhan Gencay 9 3/2/0 42.7% 58.3% 45.6%
12 Cim Knutsen 7 2/2/1 53.6% 52.4% 52.0%
13 Alexander Gottlieb 7 2/2/1 47.5% 48.7% 49.5%
14 Erik Sjöström 7 2/2/1 47.2% 53.8% 46.3%
15 Giacomo Colombo 6 2/3/0 52.7% 46.2% 46.7%
16 Timothy Gramnaes 6 2/3/0 47.1% 33.3% 49.5%
17 Morgan Karlsson 6 2/3/0 45.6% 46.2% 42.9%
18 Marcus Olsson 3 1/4/0 59.8% 33.3% 56.5%
19 Oscar Kempe 3 1/4/0 53.8% 33.3% 53.8%
20 Olle Lundvall 1 0/4/1 49.2% 33.3% 49.2%
21 Lars Eriksson 1 0/3/1 46.1% 36.1% 44.2%
22 Daniel Jonsson 0 0/1/0 61.9% 33.3% 58.8%


For decklist, please tap the link -> 

Alara Games Back to the Trollywood Legacy Tournament 

As the next Banned and Restricted Announcement approaches, Magic: The Gathering players are buzzing with speculation about potential bans. Two cards that have been the center of attention are Psychic Frog and Vexing Bauble. But will these cards actually be banned? Let's delve into the possibilities.



Psychic Frog: A Closer Look

Psychic Frog has been a controversial card in recent tournaments, with its ability to draw cards, fly over your opponents creature and the ability to grow fast to a giant threat. It's also extremely powerful alongside cards like Reanimate/Animate Dead or even Tamiyo, Inquisitive Student's third Planeswalker ability that lets you draw half the deck and create a very large flying frog that attacks you for lethal.This disruptive potential has led to calls for a ban from some players and experts in the community.

Vexing Bauble: The Debate

Vexing Bauble, on the other hand, might have the potential to disturb the balance of the format. Cards like Force of Will are particularly vulnerable which really are a staple of the format and probably its greatest guardian too. In the Vintage format, it didn't take long before the Vexing Bauble became restricted. Clocks are ticking and soon we will know what fate it awaits.

Final Thoughts

As the ban discussion regarding Psychic Frog and Vexing Bauble continues, it is important for players and experts to engage in constructive dialogue. By considering the impact of these cards on the Legacy format, the Magic the Gathering community can work towards a more balanced and enjoyable gaming experience.

Watch the event again ->
Thank you to those of you who chose to participate in the event and to everyone who helped us organize the event. We could never have made it without you! On the 1st of February we are back with the Trollywood Series and in the Modern format. For those who wish to attend the event, be sure to secure your ticket early with the Early Bird Offer to avoid missing out on this unforgettable experience. Click here to purchase your tickets and secure your spot at the "Back to the Trollywood Modern event".
See you there folks!

Please enjoy and scroll through the pictures from the event below.

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