Deadpool & Friends is the First Issue release kicking off a new mode for VS System® 2PCG®.This game allows for a lower barrier of entry into the same great game you've come to love! Upper Deck will release new updates each month - up to 11 product releases a year. Each Issue includes 55 playable cards across one or more different team factions. Issues will be themed each quarter. The first Issues are X-Men themed. Engage in the same style of play as previous
Marvel VS System® 2PCG® releases. These are compatible with previous
VS System® 2PCG® products.
VS System® 2PCG®: Deadpool & Friends Features:> 55 playable cards
> 3 new main characters and 10 new supporting characters
> Customize your new team or enhance your existing team!
> Accessories support coming soon
Look for the next X-Men themed Issue - VS System® 2PCG®: Brotherhood of Mutants.